Friday, September 24, 2010

Inner evenness

“Close your lips close your eyes and close your ears
Laugh at me, if you do not see the secret of the Truth”
-Maulaanaa Jalaaluddin Rume.

The term – “Spiritual” often manages to raise images of a sannyaasi, grab matted hair and renunciation. But, if we do not look at these images with a narrow mind, limited sense; but as wide all- embracing religions do not seem to define life itself as such. One can surely be a householder as well as religious, worldly- occupant as well as spiritual; happy as well as sad. One state need not preclude the other. There are not contradictions, but complementary activities. You can be wearing a Roberto- cavalla bikini with images of God and still be deeply spiritual. We are all spiritual being going through a physical experience, not physical beings partaking of a spiritual experience.

According to Astrologer Sunita Chhabra, the word comes from spirit or Aatmaa, and to her, spiritually is all about being good to people all-around. Being religious is not the same as being spiritual; religion can in some cases be a means to spirituality because all religions teach you how to relate to other human beings. But not just religion, even music or some other activity could lead you to spirituality.
My Spiritual Master.

My spiritual Master, Dr. Shyaam Laal Saxena  of Ghaziabad (U P) and all the hierarchy up in the lineage, including my Grandfather (his spiritual Master), Mahatma Ramchandra Ji (Laalaaji) Maharaaj of Fatehgarh (UP), strongly supported the institution of ‘Marriage’ for the exercitant of our group of denomination. Spirituality and sexuality are not opposed to, or divorced from each other. One can be spiritual as well as sexual. In fact the correct balance is a bit of both, which is probably why I instinctively protested as being described as either one. The avenues for a man to realize innate divinity is to how ever and worship the divinity of his formal consort. The woman is the channel for enlightened energies of transformation, and the man honors and worships her as the Goddess. This is in short the implication between the religion and the spirituality.

The goal of all paths relating to spirituality is liberation (Moksha) or enlightenment. The underlying ideology of such practices is that to manifest realm of the physical senses can be utilized as a wheal chariot for spiritual realization. An ancient female Taantric Buddhist Master, Sahajayoginicintra summarizes the essential philosophy of ‘Taantric sexual yoga’ –

“Human pleasure;
With its identifiable characteristics,
Is the very thing that,
When its characteristics are removed,
It turns into spiritual ecstasy.
Free from conceptual thought,
    This is the very essence of self- arising wisdom”.

-    Quoted in Miranda Shaw, ’Passionate Enlightment’ (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1994; 188)

In Buddhist and Hindu esotericism, the practice of sexual yoga involves the manifestations of Deities within the human body. The exercitant adepts sought to manifest full Buddhahood in a single life-time. In such practices, the heart opens at a very profound level, thereby freeing all the knots, constrictions and obsessions lodges there by false views, egocentric emotions, and self- regarding vanities. These energies and fears surface, are fully experienced, and then released, permanently relinquishing their hold on the exercitant. The ‘Bliss’ is not the occasion to be swept away by ecstasy, but instead, ecstasy is to be dissolved on the very moment it arises, through realization of its inherent emptiness. The exercitant eventually enters into vast, sky-like experience of universal cosmic awareness.

In the course of psycho spiritual transformation associated with the my group of denomination, there are different elements and stages to the esoteric process which entail the activation and purification of spiritual energy centers in the subtle- body, called “Chakkras”, out of which seven are most commonly mentioned; the perineum, sexual center – ‘navel’ (or solar plexus), ‘Heart’ center, ‘Throat’ center, ‘The third eye’ (between the eye-brows) and the ‘Crown chakra’ (top of the head). All this description is not something that can be learned through books and certainly not in a “week-end workshop” and “the seminars”. This is why; purposely the word- “esoteric” has been used to alert the readers. The word is meant for, or intelligible only to the initiated once into some spiritual hierarchy.

Esotericism is knowledge that is specialized or advanced in nature available only to a narrow circle of “enlightened”, “initiated” or highly educated people. Esoteric is a word used to describe this kind of specialized knowledge. Esotericism largely overlaps with “hidden knowledge”. Some overlap exists as well between esotericism and mysticism. However, many mystical traditions do not attempt to introduce additional spiritual knowledge, but rather seek to focus the believer’s attentions or prayers more strongly upon the object of devotion. A mystic is thus not necessarily an esotericist. The readers, therefore, should take a note of it


1 comment:

  1. Please locate me to continued part of this beautiful blog .. Thanks ..
