Friday, September 24, 2010

Prologue to my 'Life-Journey Tales'.

This is an autobiography of a virile, which has subsistence for self and family for sometime but the miskin is who has nosubsistance even for few days.  Throughout his lifespan, altogether, he has been blackening of his face; self annihilated, remain in obscurity at home. He, although, belongs to a Mini King-like Landlords family but for the last three generations, is living with meaningful life of true to Sufi exaltations like; illat (sickness) – quillat (poverty or deficiency) – zillat (insult). He lives in the abode of, a Beatific-vision-attained saint grandfather and his Grand Spiritual Master. This abode is regarded as a ‘Monastery’, a pilgrimage which still radiates light heat of warm feeling of emotion and embosoms the pleasure of union to the people in ever increasing number, coming from far and near every nook and corner of the world to genuflect and adapt the apparition of the Eponym.

The writer, eidolon of his grandfather, is not appetitive to proclaim the sacred seat of veneration; more accurately, he always abnegates any type of personality cult. He is seclusive. When ever he comes out to welcome the pilgrims and the devotees at the narthex of “Samaadhidhaam”, the chapel-hall in the abode, he sits amongst them as a condisciples and out of comity so as to animate their appetence, he speaks out. He reveals indiscreetly, traditions and the facts relating to the given subject who proves worth listening and to be acted upon. Since the contents of his talks are elegant and full of substantiality but, unheard and unread until then, they often feel the prodigious aroma of reality. The source, which could make thus the writer affirmer to write his autobiography in this form, is repeated and ardent wishes of these visiting devotees.

Claustral prior to take steps into the ‘work in progress, let us avail an occasion to draw the view-finder focus on the animative esteemed faith of Revered Maulaanaa Rume, for “dhat” (Reality);

When a fairy overpowers a man it vanishes from that man the attribute of manhood.
Then what that man says becomes the saying of the fairy.
Neither from this side nor from that is said.
His nature gone, has he becomes the fairy itself,
The Turk without inspiration talks Persian.
When he recovers, he does not know one word of that language.
The fairy thus has its dhat (Reality) and its attribute.
Well the Lord of the fairy and man,
Why will He have any the less?
When the fairy has this faculty,


  1. Kindly put a more simple to understand blog. This looks like a direct translation from Hindi using Google translate option. The words and sentences are garbled and lack proper flow. You may be missing out on communicating something important.

  2. Thanks a lot for the valued suggestions. I shall be careful and be more simple and natural in my style of writing.

  3. More suggestions are respectfully invited.
